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Old 09-19-2013, 02:11 PM   #8
Dogslax41's Arena
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Re: PES 2014 Availabe Now in EU - Post your impressions here

Originally Posted by Simaofan-20
This is the problem with adding this new engine. They should have been working on it for 2 years . They complained about new engine and using it as an excuse, well they shouldn't have released this game in this shape. Its barebones in comparison to previous games. Don't get me wrong its a great game itself but what they did is complete bogus. This engine should have already been worked on or else release the same engine of last years game and build upon that. I get resources and all but again, they didn't seem to have a problem building a game from the ground up

but to actually have THAT face is a complete lack of respect. Regardless if its a new engine. Honestly, its not even the face that bothers me its the lack of detail that went involved into a player of his caliber. He's not some mediocre unknown player. I would have been ok with just his clean shaved and bald but no they screwed up badly
You would really prefer them to leave the antiquated gameplay engine for another year simply so some faces weren't wrong on the release date especially when they have said that faces will continue to be released. In the words of Chris Carter, "Come on man."
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