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Old 09-21-2013, 04:13 AM   #290
D* B**rs!
Boilerbuzz's Arena
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Originally Posted by Sundown
Doesn't matter, since same could be said of the teams that messed up. The new team might be on the right track. But they also had to start from scratch with a dev cycle that's less than 2 years which is an additional difficulty to overcome in such a complex game as basketball.

The monkey is off their back when they prove themselves. Not before.
I'll take this further. The new team hasn't done a basketball game before. The new team is working with the same codebase that failed. The new team is lead by a former player that hasn't shipped at game. I'm sorry, but these are NOT favorable conditions for success. My hypocrisy comments are born out of people that say you can ignore the past of one game, but not the other game. Then there are those that want competition as long as it means it keeping an EA title alive. What do they care of titles like PES and NHL 2K? Zero. But if its Live or Triple Play, sign them up! I just think it is funny.

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Last edited by Boilerbuzz; 09-21-2013 at 11:28 AM.
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