09-24-2013, 07:04 PM
No Demo For NBA 2K14
I'm going to buy it on the first day; however, as written, that twitter status is nonsense (I would consider writing another one that is more clear). Doesn't mean anything. Those are just words. Are you trying to say that the devs didn't have time to build a demo because they were focused on delivering their respective games? I understand, if that's the case. I'm not one of those people who are all hot under the collar because we aren't getting a demo. I'm just saying, there is a better way to say that if my interpretation is correct.
Game looks good; see you online!
The game is ours we'll never foul out. - Jay-Z
Came to save the game like a memory card. - MF DOOM
Last edited by shegotgame; 09-24-2013 at 07:10 PM.
Reason: edited so as not to (mistakenly) be perceived as hostile