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Old 09-30-2013, 11:04 AM   #7
dat swag
OVR: 12
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Seattle
Re: Anyone else not care about Next-Gen Madden But Continue to care?

This is the "h8er thread"...these are the folks who only care to criticize and will never be satisfied no matter what today's trailer and information will look like. Just my .02 but these folks are the people that will find a way or reason to criticize madden and next gen because they don't want to feel like they are missing something so the next best thing is to convince themselves that there are no meaningful differences with Next gen gaming. Then they will spend meaningless hours trying to pee on the early adopters cornflakes...Well...I don't care that you don't care and I'm sure most other next gen early adopters agree with me. If you rreally didn't care this thread would never exist.

News Flash: Trailers don't mean we won't be able to tell anything about the game until we play it...Graphics are so good on current gen that there will be little difference going forward unless you zoom in real close on the player models...and lets face it...nobody plays from those angles. The differences are in control, animation quality and environments.

Finally...Like the other poster said...YOU CARE from the git go so the name of this whole topic is a contradiction.

Last edited by dat swag; 09-30-2013 at 11:11 AM.
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