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Old 10-01-2013, 12:08 AM   #176
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Originally Posted by joec63
This could be the greatest game since sliced bread, and I'm in no way saying it will be, and you would still get this attitude from the vocal ***** group which will NEVER be satisfied as long as EA holds the license. They throw their temper tantrums like spoiled children. It's entertainment in it's own right.
Thank GOD we don't have to rely on you guys because you would except anything! ...forget innovation. How long has everyone been waiting on a decent game from EA, over a decade. Not a arcade game, a game that replicate the sport to the fullest.
Just think if there were no IPAD's or IPHONE's, You guys would still be ok with the big phones with the large antenna's as long as they change colors every now and then or a some specials buttons every few years.

IT'S called INOVATION!!!! .....what have you shown me lately or better yet in EA Sports case "what have you shown me in recent years"
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