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Old 10-01-2013, 02:05 AM   #203
NicVirtue's Arena
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Join Date: Oct 2011
Re: Madden NFL 25 Next-Gen Presentation Trailer (Official)

Originally Posted by tril
explain to us, what do they have now?
its been the same old same old, that's why people are so pessimistic
From Madden 06 to Madden 25 current gen, there's a list for days of gameplay elements alone that have gotten better and added to the game along those years. At a point in time there was never any head tracking at all with DB's & they were all psychic. At a point in time cuts were simply the spinning of the ball carrier from 1 direction to the other. At a point in time you would get sucked into a block 3-4 yards out just so you couldn't make a play on the ball carrier. I could go on for hours.
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