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Old 10-01-2013, 03:35 AM   #213
Dogslax41's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Next-Gen Presentation Trailer (Official)

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
It's late and I'm sleepy, just now getting around to what happened earlier with regard to the "other" video for Week 4 MNF on ESPN. WTF is going on, didn't EA already confirm that other video WAS next gen footage too but just not encoded correctly?
If that's the case, which from what I am reading it appears to be, then this looks like it is heading for another disaster. Encoding it incorrectly wouldn't change the fact that it looks nothing like the e3 gameplay video. It would explain why all the players looked like they were on speed and the lack of shine to the graphics. But honestly if they just balance the run defense that was awful on current gen and clean up some of the major bugs (draft class repeating, etc) and admit they couldn't implement they gameplay they showed at e3 in time but expect it in next year then I would be fine with a dressed up madden 25. But if it turn out that was truly next gen then they can't honestly say that is the same stuff they showed at e3.
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