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Old 10-04-2013, 12:00 AM   #4
OVR: 1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Re: Need teams for 2 man OD, help?

Originally Posted by beekay415


Eastern Mich/Western Mich

New Mexico/New Mexico State
Originally Posted by alemic
UTEP/UTSA would be a good one. You both could go to pretty much any conference, nice stadiums and start with Texas as a pipeline. Pretty much the easiest route you guys could take minus the Florida teams.
Definitely thought of the top 2, also had thought of Texas State instead of UTEP. It would be nice to be based in 2 different states just so every recruit isn't a battle, but that adds so much to the rivalry. Tough call. I had also thought of South Bama and Troy but Bama is gonna be running that state forever.

I wish these teams all had better unis but its life.
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