10-06-2013, 05:37 AM
NFL2k5 really best football game?
I tried everything, tweaking sliders....rosters.......
problems you CAN'T SOLVE:
1) Bad cpu Qb %. Some games they are SO DUMB and throws lot of bull****s.
2) Unreal pass rush. Offensive line lot of times start to be DUMB! Don't block nothing.....especially the center of the line...****sh to the Qb easily. And that affects Qb %
3) NO PUNT RETURN. Returning team don't block nothing! Kicking team are all....repeat...all over the running man.
And these are the biggests problems, there are others.....
When i leaved madden (that now i really think has MINOR problems and tweaking you CAN solve or reduce) is for the gameplay. I wanted a real, competitive gameplay. NFL 2k5 doesn't gives you that....sorry....but that's the true.