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Old 10-14-2013, 03:55 PM   #168
Dogslax41's Arena
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Re: NEW Xbox One Gameplay Video (ESPN)

Originally Posted by TeeDogg
You are right. Ive been enjoying M25 and have hopes for next gen, but EA is making hard for guys that are giving them a chance to have faith. I'm not sure what's going on with the ESPN bids but they should either stop or get them a better version of the game. Because its NOT what we've been lead to believe next gen was going to be. To me it animates worse than current gen.

I'm still holding out for some official game play. That's my only hope lol
True step is supposed to be out this week I thought. But given how they are pulling marketing material I don't know that we can expect them to stick to the schedule they originally discussed. They were supposed to release a video each Monday night but that didn't happen last week and after another disaster this week I would imagine we have seen our last Monday night video.
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