Even if they just did a straight port, which I dont think it is, it would garner interest because at this point they have a fanbase, it just wouldnt be a nex gen blow you away kind of game.
For months and years. Simply put
According to EA history - this game has some big time problems and has even gone as far as cancelling consecutive games.
According to 2k history - they at least release a solid title even with issues
and at worst case will do the same.
They have no goodwill which is why you see what you see happening now and they can't blame anyone but themselves. Matter of factly hiding 5 on 5 at this moment makes it so they better have some pretty dope gameplay or one real bad thing that happens will end up going viral again on the internet.
The problem here is you're ignoring what they're doing now is what they did in the past which led to either crappy gameplay or cancelled games, which is why people are wondering why they "continue" to hide stuff.