I have an actual question for you and would love to get an answer to this, as a person who bought the game and was forced to return it a week later. We have complained about Online Associations being broken since 2k12 and every year we hear from you all that you all have sent the list to the developers, this year you cannot advance past year 1, the association corrupts in the offseason when you get to the draft and you can't delete the league, it takes up 1 of your 3 allowed online associations, we tried this 3 times and so we couldn't even do anything with OA's because we had all 3 of our spots filled by dead associations.
I called 2k tech support and was told it was my NAT, which my NAT is open and they continued to tell me that it was my fault and didn't even think of sending the issue to someone in development.. they told me that it was my NAT over and over again and sent me an email telling me to open my NAT and told me they couldn't help me anymore.
So here is my question, you all have heard our gripes since 2k12 about the bugs, why can't we get a patch to fix the issues with OA's? This is an actual question that I would like to get an answer and have an actual conversation about this.