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Old 10-16-2013, 07:28 PM   #160
23's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 14 Screenshot of John Wall

Originally Posted by NoTiCe_O
Thing is it's not like they're ignoring the consumer, they're releasing information but it''s not good enough for all these "self-entitled" fans (or consumers).

It's obvious they're still working on the game, Scott even said it on the podcast (I think a lot of people need to listen to it). They don't want to release anymore work in progress videos. To be honest, I can sense the bitterness in your post "EA knows alot about that too dont they?"... "Don't be fooled". If you have a grudge against EA fine, but don't take it out on a game you know nothing about.

EA isn't forcing anyone to buy their game, you don't have to warn us of EA's evil ways we've seen the articles and witnessed football games be monopolized. Still, we can all make the knowledgeable decision based on facts. If you fall for the trolls that say "Pre-ordering immediately!" or "Way better than 2k, not even close!" then that's on you, but the ball don't lie. Soon enough EA will have to put up or shut up, but that doesn't mean we have to degrade every piece of info we see.

EA is capable of making good games, and if you look toward the future, this has the potential to be one of them.

If you stop catching feelings and stuff and get your emotion out of the posts from defending this game so much it might be easier on the blood pressure.

At this point, nobody cares what SOG says because frankly its put up or shut up time for EA and this series. They've said too much already and didn't deliver and people arent hanging on their every word as you may have noticed. Its something that didnt work out too well in the past, buzzwords, new tech and the game still either came out like crap or got cancelled.

Now if they arent advertising to the people here, then who are they advertising to? Casuals who don't play bball? Most of those people dont give a rats tail about this game thats for sure so who is it?

If all you want to do is hope this series escapes harsh criticism, it's not going to happen. It happens to every other game, and the point is, this is the only one that has had multiple years to get it together, so the call for patience is gone.

People dont even trust them and if the site asks someone what they think about a screen, and someone notices that the entire arena is totally seperated from the game, someone will say that. Its one thing to tell someone they can't say that because its hating, and another to say what you see and move on.

Im about done because no matter how much is typed, nobody is trying to see anything different and EA is still sitting back ducking releasing footage they promised and tap danced back on so hard Gregory Hines would be proud.
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