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Old 10-17-2013, 06:09 PM   #564
OVR: 1
Join Date: Jul 2009
Re: NBA 2K14 Next Gen Trailer

Originally Posted by birthday_massacre
You dont know the difference. When playing the current gen version of the game and you cut those auto replays and cut scenes that look better than when you are actually in game footage, those are not actual gameplay its cut scenes using the in game engine but it looks much better than when you have control of the game.

its just like a game like the last of us. When you get a cut scene that is CGI using the ingame engine and its not gameplay footage because you dont have control of what is going on

When people say its gameplay footage they are talking about real gameplay when you are in control not when the computer is making the graphics better because its a cut scene.

if you want an idea of what the real gameplay is going to look like go check out the NBA 2k14 PC version on max settings

That is most likely what the real gameplay footage is giong to look like
Are you 8 years old or something? You're not making any sense at all. The replay of something you actually just played looks better? When the replay is just a recording of the actual gameplay???
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