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Old 10-17-2013, 06:21 PM   #585
wordtobigbird's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Sep 2008
Re: NBA 2K14 Next Gen Trailer

Originally Posted by birthday_massacre
When you play a game like metal gear, the cut scenes look way better than the gameplay parts you are playing. That is because the cut scenes are CGI.

That is why i am saying I want to see real gameplay footage and not these replay or cut scenes to get an idea what the game will really look like

if the gameplay when you are really playing looks exactly like what we just saw then I will gladly admit i am wrong.
You comparing old technology to new technology. That's why it is next gen because now the gameplay looks as good as CGI scenes. Thats the point. These are NOT CGI..

Have you ever played Final Fantasy?



CGI Cinematic

You are trying to say that 2k Is pulling something like this and they are not..
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