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Old 10-18-2013, 08:37 PM   #162
Captain Obvious
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Springfield, Va
Re: Madden NFL 25 Next-Gen Gameplay Trailer and Four More War in the Trenches Videos

ive always been criticlal of the o/d line play sine ive played madden back in 2001, but not gonna lie the eagles/cowgirls and titans/seahwaks vids gave me a hardon. its not perfect but there is hope that theres a lot to look forward to in this coming gen.

ya there are some left over stuff form the previous gen like that poverty looking dropback, stiffness and throwing animation by the qb but thats not a game killer even though its not an excuse as it should have been dealt with years ago.

the things imo that killed madden was the lack of pressure by the 4 down lineman, robo qb, and crappy looking animations. from what i seen so far im willing to go along with it but more gameplay vids would be nice, but im leaning towards actually buying it.

edit: i hope oldenburg stays on with madden for a while in the coming gen, i trust him

Last edited by Captain Obvious; 10-18-2013 at 08:45 PM.
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