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Old 10-21-2013, 09:43 PM   #42
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Next-Gen War in the Trenches Q&A with Clint Oldenburg

I have a question for those in the know about next-gen line play: is Clint aware of WHY the RT/LDE issue is what it is? What about the way the positions and animations are coded has made that a legacy issue, and what has the team done to eliminate this issue going forward?

I ask because after watching the trenches videos on a lark, I noticed that the LDE for DAL got an incredibly quick run-around-the-OT animation that the RDE didn't seem to get in other videos.

Now that's a sample size issue for sure, but it raises the larger question about the status of that long-standing problem with the game. It'd be nice to hear that they figured out what caused the difference in the pass rush from the left to the right and made adjustments to next-gen.
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