10-23-2013, 12:00 PM
Re: [B]When Will 2k Get Rid Of ALL Arcade Aspects And Go 100% Sim?[/B]
I think the two most arcadey things that are holding the game back are forcefields on the sidelines/baselines and a lack of 100% live-ball.
I remember in one of the old Live games (maybe even NBA 2K5), they had two styles of play (or how the rules were enforced) - Arcade and Simulation. In arcade, there was no such thing as out of bounds. Crossing the sidelines or baselines wasn't a turnover. There weren't any fouls or rules enforced (except the 24 second shot clock I think).
Now, 2K protects you from going out of bounds by having forcefields, which are especially strong on the sidelines. They might as well be like the old Live games and not have out of bounds if sidelines and baselines aren't respected.
Lack of a 100% live ball allows people to dribble like madmen with no conscience and no concept of fear, even with the increased tangibility of the ball this years game. It just can't be in certain situations. It has to be tangible ALL the time.
If 2K somehow patched these two elements into the game now, the games would be turnover-fests, since most people are so careless with the ball. But eventually they would learn to be careful with the ball.
2K don't have coding issues with the live ball, they could clearly implement 100% if they wanted to. As for the sidelines/baselines, the would probably have to improve the awareness of players so that they don't go out of bounds when receiving a pass.