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Old 10-24-2013, 01:21 PM   #59
RocketTMac1's Arena
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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Re: NBA 2K14: Next-Gen Hands-On Impressions

Originally Posted by SkyWater1417
Just Think of It....

If NBA2k14 have all the features from the old version and add all of the features they introduce today, what features you'll expect to NBA 2K15 and so on? improved graphics and presentation? then you'll say "NOTHINGS NEW JUST IMPROVED GRAPHICS ETC"...
Umm idk? An improved Next Gen gameplay system? To take away a mode or a feature just to label it new is a very bad move. Especially if you did it once and saw how upset people were. I don't care if you are the other company or 2K. You don't do things like that. You could still have Association and then have GM Mode.
The Buzz is Back in the Queen City. Cho........I have no idea what you are going to do in this draft man.
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