I'd say these raised expectations were irrational, period. If someone hyped themselves up to believe they were going to get some transformational experience when there was no evidence that would be the case, that's on them imo. There isn't a next gen game out there that completely blows away what's come before it. Gone are the days when launch systems came with a Mario 64, a Halo, etc. As each game generation has advanced, the differences between what came before it aren't as noticeable. It's been said many times - going from Atari/Intellivision to [whatever in between] was huge. The jump from SNES/Genesis to Nintendo 64/Dreamcast/PS1 was huge. The jump from those to PS2/Xbox were noticeable, but there really wasn't a transformative launch title that came with either of those systems. Same when the jump to the 360/PS3 occurred - no generation-defining experiences at launch.
So it's silly imo to expect that this time around. I haven't seen a single next gen game that makes people sit back and say "THAT'S something I've never seen". The racing games, the shooters, etc. - none are what people would call super-impressive. If anything many people are saying NBA2K14 represents the largest jump from a current gen game to a next gen game. So to be disappointed that it's not some transformative experience when it's likely 2K may be the one next gen game that non-fans will buy just to show off their system... is unrealistic imo.