Fair. But just to hit on a couple of your points.
1. In NBA game, you have 10 players compared to 22. But you are zoomed in MUCH closer and there is more detail in the models and the textures needed. Also, the crowd is closer to the action. So, in gameplay cameras (where you are talking about) there are hundreds of crowd and sideline actors that need more detail than NFL. In a football title, they can be 2D cutouts done right and it would look OK. So, actually, you're WAY off in your statement that there's more detail in football than in basketball.
2. IF 2K could do a soccer or football game. That "IF" lays at the feet of EA and it's exclusive happy practices. But, if we're going apples to apples, the detail in NFL 2K5 compared to Madden 2005 is a good indicator.