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Old 11-05-2013, 06:56 PM   #88
D* B**rs!
Boilerbuzz's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K14 Developers Love the PS4?

Originally Posted by Braincramps
Also you dont have to wair foir games in the US on PLaystation WOW, they launch the same day on both.
Uh... Traditionally, the Japanese consoles have launched games in Japan long before the US. And in some cases ONLY in Japan. It's not just about launch titles, dude.

PS: Playstation does media and does it well, it was better then 360 as a media box. Lets not pretend sony is not a media company.
And MS does software and is quite good at it. The users whine and whine about Windows, but have no clue what really goes into making a OS that has to work for consumers, and enterprise. Not to mention the productivity suite mops the floor with everything else. So don't pretend Sony knows software better than MS. So, in what way is the PS*4* better than the XBone? You don't have either system so you DON'T KNOW! Outside of BluRay, the 360 mopped the floor with the PS3 for media because the interface was much easier for regular users. You could do more with PS3 if you were savvy enough. That's true. But that's the key. You had to know what you were doing.

Many have said its better. Same style?? Many controller have disproved that you need off set analogs, Ds4 proves it, many sites have stated its the best controller of nect gen, google it. The 360 controller had it sissues, dpad was horrendous,
Controller are a VERY personal aspect of a system. MANY sites can say one thing, and MANY sites can say another. The question was about each individual here. I have large hands. I like the feel of the MS controller set. Again - what is wrong with that? One size does NOT fit all. But that makes someone a fanboy? You insistence on one being that much better than the next shows that you are actually showing those tendencies. Let it go.
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