11-06-2013, 10:53 AM
My Momma's Son
OVR: 37
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 19,250
Re: Sportsgamerblog.com interview with Sean O'Brien - Executive Producer
Excellent podcast.
-Sean O'Brien confirms that there will be a full feature demo released for Live 14.
-Playcalling is 3-tiered (sounds similar to Live 10 with basic plays and then player specific plays).
-ESPN integration includes Jalen Rose doing the menu walk-thrus and highlights of other your game and other games. EA Sports contracted Jalen to come in every week and record content for them. This will include him talking about people at the top of leaderboards and things relative to the season.
-Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy are the in-game commentators.