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Old 11-06-2013, 09:11 PM   #193
OVR: 15
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Florida- Home of the Champs
Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Eco-Motion Engine Video and Blog

Originally Posted by royounggoku
I for one am VERY excited at the prospect of what this new engine can do for the game. Like I said in an earlier post movement is probably the most important aspect of basketball and if this engine plays as advertised it can be amazing for the game from a gameplay standpoint. It'll affect the way players move on offense with and without the ball and most importantly how players move on defense. The fact that everything is dynamic and that players change and adapt based on their environment is astounding. Not to mention that it affects how the crowd reacts to the game.

How anyone can call this fluff is beyond me.
its only fluff, cause its repetitive news. Its impressive, but its nothing that hasn't been mention for a month straight. Why when 2k does something repetitive no one complains? But when BounceTek is being showed month straight, everyone harps on it? Its the same exact thing(in terms of repetitive marketing), but only 2k looks prettier being repetitive. The screenshots are impressive, but where's the core stuff? This game is less than a weak from release? Even GTA V released key features before 9 days into the release window.
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