NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Eco-Motion Engine Video and Blog
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11-07-2013, 01:18 AM
OVR: 10
Join Date: May 2012
Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Eco-Motion Engine Video and Blog
Originally Posted by
I can't believe nobody is calling this dude on this. Don't come over here with this agenda man. How have you been hearing about Ecomotion for a month straight and it didn't even get revealed until the press event in San Fran on what was it, October 24th or 25th? I didn't realize from October 24 to November 6th suddenly encompassed a month of time. EA was talking about pretty much nothing but BounceTek and dribbling from E3 (June mind you) up until about a week ago. Not even in the same ballpark of what you're trying to go with here.
before this video dropped, people were in complaining wanting to hear more about the footplanting and the gameplay that's in the game, here's a video detailing that and suddenly it's not enough
. Come on people.
They did look back a few pages
Umm where is anything with gameplay here? its all about the graphics with highlight plays
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