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Old 11-07-2013, 02:03 AM   #324
wordtobigbird's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Sep 2008
Re: NBA 2K14 Next-Gen Eco-Motion Engine Video and Blog

Originally Posted by royounggoku
I think the problem is that people are so distracted/mesmerized by the graphics that whenever a vid comes up showing any type of gameplay(even one that is strictly about HOW the game plays) they automatically assume it's all about graphics because that's what stands out most to them after watching. Seriously though watch this whole video again, there talking about nothing but gameplay for basically the whole video. They talk about graphics for like 10 seconds then jump back into talking about gameplay yet people are claiming that's all the video's about because it's stands out so much. Lol I think for any of there gameplay related vids to really come across is for them to have no in game visuals because it's so distracting to some.

This is a DIRECT quote from the vid:
Word we all interpret things differently I guess. My first thought when I was watching this was that is was just a buzzword for the facial expressions. Then the video explained it much better for me.
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