I'm sorry but I don't get what you're saying. Wouldn't it be just as likely that if there weren't any more updates to come they'd just bundle up what they have and sell it at a higher price. All we have are two facts: that all the uniforms in the pack were from before the team was dissolved, and that EA said there were more updates to come. As a result we have two differing opinions, however, instead of having a pointless and endless debate, why not just wait and see what happens in the coming weeks maybe months. Wasn't directing that comment specifically at SpartyParty11.
Also can we stick to uniform news, I get that everyone has a particular uniform(s) that they want in the game but ultimately no amount of wishing or praying is going to lend a hand in what EA decides to put into any further packs if there are any.
In other news,
Temple has worn 2 variations of their white helmet and also wore a liberty bell helmet.
North Texas wore black uniforms
Kansas State wore camo helmets
Arizona State is wearing a maroon version of their gigantic spear helmet
And UTSA and Middle Tennessee are wearing flagified helmets this weekend.