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Old 11-08-2013, 04:57 PM   #68
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Join Date: Sep 2013
Re: NBA 2K14: MyGM Developer Diary

Originally Posted by FloorGeneral
So now the insults come out. Awesome. Adults? I'd lay money that I'm older than you. Your reaction is childish, so if you are in fact an "adult", then you still have some growing up to do. Can't handle it? Glad you know me so well. Why should I have to handle it? Challenge myself? I wanna "challenge myself" by playing basketball. Not by worrying about how a fake owner is gonna react to how I handle a fake player negotiation.

Take your bullsh-t elsewhere.
Bro I'm sure the managing part is the not that hard, I think you can handle it. And it's not like you can't play games, the games are still there. Just give it a shot you might be surprised.
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