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Old 11-09-2013, 01:57 AM   #52
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jul 2009
Re: More NBA 2K14 PS4 Footage

Originally Posted by MarvinOida
Well, take a look from this prospective, the content. Most standards are 1080p, speaking for right now, there is close to little to no difference in viewing, especially the more farther to sit. The difference may be that the images are sharper and more defined, but again, you literally need to be right up in the TV to view the content. Take in account, a lot of people's eyesights vary of course. It's different the more bigger the screen. If it's the exact same size, most people will not see too much of a difference.

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You're fooling yourself man. All I can say is you need to experience in with your own eyes. I own a 1440 monitor and the difference is clear. Console games of course take no advantage of this bump in resolution, but playing something like BF4 on PC at 1080p vs 1440p is a huge difference. And both make 720p look like a joke.

Seeing how 4k is 4 times the resolution of 1080p, I don't see how you could say it's a gimmick. Like calling blu ray a gimmick when compared to a dvd.

Tim Sweeney a well know game developer and creator of the unreal engine is on record saying we will notice a difference visually in resolution all the way up to 8000×4000 pixels.
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