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Old 11-12-2013, 12:03 PM   #240
OVR: 5
Join Date: Nov 2005
Blog Entries: 2
Wish Mike or one of the marketing guys would give a bit more insight into the body models (primarily arms) varying so much with the game-play videos and trailers that have been released in the last 3 weeks or so.

The game-play videos from Bug had players resembling the thin models that were in 2k8 (if you have the game check for yourself). The Real Voice trailer trailer appeared to show the same when players would be in the super man pose during the half time or post game interview. All of the arms looked quite thin. But when you go back and watch the Gamespot preview video with game-play from the HEAT/Warriors matchup players like Bogut, Curry, Lee, Bosh, Wade, and LeBron have varying upper body types. The same can be noticed immediately in the current IGN review as well. The upper body types vary once again in a GOOD way!

So why the difference in the version that was playable at the location where Bug was capturing gameplay? Just wondering about the peculiarity given the time frame.

PS--I know Mike already stated that at least one player (Rose) would be addressed.
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