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Old 11-15-2013, 01:45 PM   #60
OVR: 3
Join Date: Nov 2007
Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by Dogslax41
Honestly it's not really that at all. It's more the fact that what they touted and hyped doesn't really work/doesn't make that much of a difference to the quality of the game. The game benefits the most from a massively cleaned up defense for the CPU and playing offline actually presenting not only a challenge,but a challenge that feels good and not cheesy. This game could have and should have been released on the ps3. The biggest reason this game feels that much better is that it's properly balanced all across the board. Everything they did well that really makes an impact to gameplay could have been done on the ps3. As I said earlier this is not a "next gen" game. It's a good game, much better than ps3, but not a next gen game, which is what they were really trying to hype. This back of the box features it still feels like they didn't deliver on but they did end up adding much needed balance to the current gen version of madden

How can you say, as a fact, that this isn't a "next gen" game? How do you know it's not the increased amount of calculations they can run in the back ground that is creating a more realistic game? Maybe the PS3 couldn't handle the true step technology.

Not trying to bash, I'm just saying, you don't know all the calculations or coding that's going on in the background.
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