This is beyond INFURIATING to me. How many years is it going to take, EA? Year after year after year. And you want constructive non bashing criticism? "We are listening to the community." Sure you are. This kind of crap has been in this game for at least 4 or 5 years now and there are 4 or 5 years of constructively criticizing posts that have ONCE AGAIN been ignored. More smoke and mirror nonsense. Over it.
What is it going to take? Who on the dev team is FINALLY going to say "enough is enough"? Who on the dev team is FINALLY going to realize that no matter what improvements are made to game that this type of stuff trumps ALL OF THEM? 59 minutes and 45 seconds of good game play and 15 seconds of the same ridiculous artificial UNintelligence that has been in this game for years can suck the life out of the game. What interviewer/web site/game changer/pod cast is going to sack up and flat out ask any developer about this and NOT let them dance around the answer with marketing BS?
Next Gen=More Calculations=Better AI. Seems like someone must have called off on the day they were "improving the late game AI".