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Old 11-16-2013, 11:20 PM   #340
WISports's Arena
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Join Date: Jun 2013
re: NBA 2K14 Impressions (PS4/Xbox One)

Overall the game is quite good. But there are things that could make it so much better.

-Ball/rim physics. They're terrible. You don't see nearly the amount of bounces, rimming off and in, etc as you do in last gen. And way to many swishes. Just give us what we had last gen, and I'm happy.

-Put the leg length/torso edits back in. It was in at launch, then the took it out. Makes zero sense. It was a nice feature that made players like Durant look much more like themselves. C'mon 2K, what'd you do this??! Inexcusable!

-CAP. Enough said.

-And I honestly think the game looks a little 'hazy'. Almost like there's smoke in the arena. And I'm not just talking during cutscenes with the lighting. Just look at dark uniforms while playing. Seems too washed out or something.

-Way too many blocks and lose balls once you get in the paint.

-It's way to hard to blow by your defender. If I'm controlling a Westbrook or someone, I should be able to get past them one on one with relative ease. That's not the case tho.

-The lighting/reflections on the court is way overdone. Watch a game on TV. You can't see the reflections from the lights/scoreboards much at all. This may also be causing the washed out/hazy look I'm talking about.

I pray these things will either be patched or in 2K15.

Great start to the new generation tho!
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