11-19-2013, 10:30 AM
Just started!
Re: Looking back at All-Pro Football 2K8
^^^ That's one of the other bizarre decisions 2K made: it wasn't even called the APFL, they called it the APL and gave it a God-Awful logo. It should've been the APFL though. How did they not include the "Football" part of their league name? Just strange, and dumb.All-Pro Football was hot on the field, no football game has ever played better. But they made too many ******* mistakes off the field. 2K should come back one more time though. All they have to do is the opposite of all the dumb mistakes they made with APF as a product and the game will sell just enough to be viable.As far as non-NFL licensed games go, Blitz The League 1 is the model of success (over 1 Million copies sold). 2K doesn't have to copy Blitz's over-the-top style arcade gameplay, but they absolutely have to have a real league identity this time around and better logos/uni's/uniform editor. You can't half-*** that sort of thing and expect people to buy the game. People have to be able to connect with it emotionally.