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Old 11-24-2013, 12:59 PM   #155
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jun 2003
Re: NBA Live 14 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

I have a confession to make...I'm really having fun with this demo.

I used the word "confession" because it feels wrong to like this game. I own 2K and have played it for hours and hours and I love it. I think we all know that it's far and away a better game than Live. That being said, there's just something about Live that keeps me coming back to the demo.

I would say that the biggest reason is probably nostalgia. I'm 33 years old, so EA basketball has been a big part of my gaming life ever since Bulls vs. Lakers. No matter how far the Live series has fallen, I think I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for this game.

Other than that, though, I am somewhat enjoying the gameplay. I mean, there's a lot to dislike too. The graphics are subpar, and the animations are terrible at best. Obviously, that's kind of important and hard to overlook. But, I am just enjoying the game for what is is at this point. Some random thoughts:

- I really like the hop step. I have been reading a lot of impressions on how it is easily exploited, but I don't use it that way. As herky-jerky as the game can feel a lot of the time, I love how smooth it feels to hop step in the lane and then pull up for a jumper.

- I like that the CPU actually misses shots. One of the things in 2K that bothers me is that the CPU makes way too many shots, even with slider adjustments. The problem in Live, however, is that there are too many missed shots.

- If Synergy is working, I haven't really seen it yet. The only team on the demo that seems to not iso all game is the Warriors. I hope this will get fixed.

- I enjoy that the game is slower paced. However, it just plays too slow most of the time. While this is great when you are in the half court, it ruins the fun of running the break because the players are so sluggish.

- I'm enjoying the atmosphere of the crowd, but I can't believe how bad the commentary is. I mean Breen and JVG sounds good, but they aren't fluid. There is too much dead air.

So honestly, there is more bad in this game than there is good. But, with 2K and COD as my only games until The Show comes out, I think I'll enjoy Live enough to pick it up and put it in my rotation. Don't worry guys, I have enough credit at GameStop that it won't cost me a dime...LOL. Hopefully if these patches work out some of the quirks, and I can get the more advanced controls down, I will be able to have a nice alternative to 2K.

Last edited by JoeDog10; 11-24-2013 at 01:01 PM.
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