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Old 11-25-2013, 10:41 AM   #2
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ronyell's Arena
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Re: Raw 11/25/13: The champ is here! No, the champ is here! No...etc

The PPV's & the build up FOR the PPV matches have been pretty damn weak this year. they START in some good directions but then idlely wait & push the wrong people from week to week only to try to "rush-push" the RIGHT person just before the PPV.

IMO WWE has botched the majority of their angles this year. the whole "face of the company" theme should have been between Bryan & Cena (in THAT order) & that feud should be carrying into Mania. If Punk isn't tied into that picture some how; his SINGLE beef should be with Bray Wyatt... if THAT didnt happen; The Shield should be in a standing feud with The Wyatts & Cesaro should be getting his proper push about now.

The proper Mania builds start from the Royal Rumble so i guess we shouldn't be TOO upset about Survivor Series being literally THROWN together because thats what they've done for the last few years now.

As or tonight:
I don't expect much.

At best we get some of the mid-carders starting to make their transitions upward (hopefully). I'm talking Cesaro, Reigns, probably Big E & lets get Ziggler back into that picture.

We'll get some crappy diva BS

oh did i forget the EVER tantalizing Kofi Kingston - Miz feud?!

NOTHING of real significance for Daniel Bryan & Punk to do.

Some sloppily thrown together beginnings to feuds for The Wyatts (who should NOT have lost last night) & The Shield (who will likely be improperly booked after a VERY interesting win & hint at a specific push at Survivor Series

& lasty... more Cena/Orton... like we haven't seen this before but only when Orton was more relevant & better overall... but wait... how does this all play out with a F'N special guest host?! & Michael Strahan at that!

looks like my DVR will be in good use tonight. first catch up on the AMA's that i missed last night while i was busy trying to survive sitting through Survivor Series & then watch Raw at an undisclosed time when i can fast forward through the inevitable waste of segments.

#WWEfan #thoroughlydissappointed
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