They did that with ELITE 11. I think it has more to do with the higher ups then the devs. I think the higher ups are screwing the workers. How do you have three years to work on a title and not come up with anything? Live 11,13,and 14 all looked rush Like developers are trying to meet some deadline.
EAC produced Skate. They make some great games. Tiuburon or however you spell it, doesn't have a great track record.
I think the ea suits simply aren't taking this title seriously. They are procrastinating and not putting enough resorces to the game cause they believe its live, it'll sell on the name, and they probably feel the need to cut down costs.
Its crazy to think they only have one dev cycle. 2k14 ps4 had two years of development...yet live only had one? crazy decision by upper managament. the devs are the scapegoat, while there is some fault with them, it doesn't stick with them. If they had more time, they make a better game.