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Old 12-05-2013, 12:58 AM   #4
Robo COP
Robo COP's Arena
OVR: 3
Join Date: Feb 2012
Re: How to prevent QBs from getting high awareness after one year

Originally Posted by jello1717
Here's my house rule for QB awareness:
  • Write down AWR of all QBs at beginning of year.
  • At the end of the season, note AWR again and note the gain (which is of course just the inseason progression).
  • Allow them to keep only half of this progression (my starter usually gains 12+ AWR during the year while my backups might gain 6-10). IE. if my starter began with 70 AWR and ended the year with 82 AWR, I'll let him keep 6 AWR.
  • Edit the QBs to subtract half of their AWR gain (so in the above example I'd edit the QB from 82 AWR to 76 AWR).
  • I allow all QBs to keep all of their offseason progression, which is usually about +5.
is this only for user teams or all QBs? That's a lot of QBs if it is for every team
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