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Old 12-05-2013, 07:31 AM   #8
Brazilian A's Fan
brunnoce's Arena
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Re: The Patch is Live for Xbox One.

edit: nevermind, my issue hasnt been fixed.

Originally Posted by Thelastnova
Just when I was about to say "haha suckers!" NBA 2K14 got me to. Seriously though I wasn't going to say that. What we are dealing with is a sham. I created a new custom roster and got My GM playing to perfection until my third game. I played two games in a row with 12 minute quarters to get the full experience. But there I am playing against the Kings with the Warriors. I had 8 minutes to go till the game ends. I saved it and turned off my PS4 to go take care of some things. I come back thinking hey it should load right? Nope I get stuck at that damn weird trainer and GM sitdown with no words spoken at all and just the camera switching camera angles. This is my first NBA 2K purchase since 04, yep. I love the on court experience but I am baffled by the off court experience. This is the most broken sports game in the history of video games. To the AHole who tried to say go play Live, you obviously have no common sense. It appears that there is over 20 pages worth of complaints. I would say that is a majority. Not only that but these complaints are only from one website. Also what about the poor folks who haven't posted anything on a website? 2K should fire the game testers who tested this piece of garbage. This thread is like therapy for people so thank you all for your support. "My name is Rob and I'm a pissed off consumer!" If patch three doesn't fix these uneccessary problems then I will return the game with a giant F This Game scratched into the disk so no one can play this embarrassment of a sports title!
PSN: brunnoce
Thanx Knight165

Last edited by brunnoce; 12-05-2013 at 07:37 AM.
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