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Old 12-10-2013, 10:54 PM   #7
OVR: 22
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Illinois USA
Re: PastaPadre: VC Implementation Threatens The Future Of The NBA 2K Series

Originally Posted by 23
I dont play my team or my player for that matter but I heard about this and I find it just as silly as the whole "me" direction of these modes that you're being charged to change a lineup. All of this penny pinching for nothing in return is ridiculous.
Amen - it's a disgrace to gamers. All of this new microtranscations,etc leaves a nasty bitter taste in my mouth. Here is where we are going...things that normally would be "free" in the game are now being held for money purchases. This is not where gaming needs to go. It will be a HUGE disaster soon enough, mark my words. We already pay 64 dollars per we gotta shell out more money "after" buy the game to unlock features that would normally be free? Are you serious? Some poor innocent folks will be persuaded as usual but folks such as myself and many at NeoGaf have already made our opinions be heard and we will not stop until this BS stops.

2k...i am very disappointed on the road you are now choosing to go down...this is a disgrace to gaming and only shows you in it for the money and the passion for making games are now a thing of the past..what a shame...sad sad times for gaming.

It all innocently started with it has spread like cancer to micro-transactions. If you think console gamers are going to fall for it like mobile phone/tablet gamers are in for a rude awakening!!

Make no mistake about this...2k, you are getting very close to crossing that thin delicate line with all these crappy distasteful micro-transactions....these things should normally be free...or there is no need to GRIND IT OUT in order to unlock stuff or of course..the worst of them all..having to PAY MORE MONEY to unlock things that normally would of been free with options to make things easier for us that already pay for the damn game!! What a greedy move, 2k!!
..You win some, you lose some
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