3 things Id like to understand
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12-12-2013, 09:27 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2008
Re: 3 things Id like to understand
Originally Posted by
@#1 - I suspect this has much to due with field positioning and momentum. Dlinemen, LBs and even safeties playing in the box may very well have a 20 yard head start and are probably already moving towards the opposite goal line while CBs are further downfield and moving towards their own goal line. Thus the CBs have more ground to cover in a return, more guys between them and the endzone and they have probably already run 20 yards in the opposite direction and may be moving that way when they catch the ball.
Theory is sound but unfortunately madden not that smart. I picked a guy with cover 2 flat zone looking at daylight only to see a olineman run from across the field and catch me. It looked terrible..olineman was running warp speed.
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