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Old 12-16-2013, 01:21 AM   #61
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Re: NBA 2K14 is the #1 Selling Sports Title on Next-Gen Consoles, 4th Overall

Originally Posted by Sundown

Also, the sports team analogy doesn't work the way you frame it. One can support a team without committing to it financially and one's association and loyalty to that team has to do with much more than merchandising and market give and take. In fact, some true fans will boycott games to send a message to the management if that management seems to care more about making quick bucks than putting out a winning team. This is actually a closer parallel to what VDusen is doing.
And that's fine. But there are quite a few of those that have been vocal that aren't just choosing to just boycott the title, but also endorsing something else. Or openly stating they wish they had something else to go to. And that's why I'd say those are people that simply want the best product available, period. And as I've said, there's nothing wrong with that. I don't like the Steelers hired Todd Haley as OC. I may choose not to go to Steelers games to show my displeasure. But I'm not going to become a Bengals fan because of it. Many of the people complaining the loudest aren't just sitting this game out, they're openly endorsing choosing going to another product. Or saying they wish there was another product that merited going to.

Obviously we're all fans of NBA2K on some level. But the discussion started down this path regarding what constituted a faithful fan and that 2K was taking a path that wasn't in line with what it's faithful fans wanted. I'm a fan of Sony. I'm a fan of Microsoft. I've purchased all of their systems. Am I a faithful fan of either? No, I don't feel I am. And I know I've said MY definition of a faithful fan would be a fanboy. At the end of the day it's silly to parse words to this degree so I shouldn't have gone down this path because it's sidetracking the thread.
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