12-16-2013, 07:01 PM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Tennessee, USA
Re: I suffer from RDS (Restarting Dynasty Syndrome)
I've def had my fair share of this. My helpful advice, pick somebody you know, maybe just a close friend that you know loves football, and play an online dynasty with them. That's what I'm doing. I'm playing in a 2-man online dynasty. We both started at small programs (I took Bowling Green and he went with MTSU). Despite a Heisman difficulty (and most difficult OS sliders I could find), and a head-to-head match-up in which I won by only 4, the BGSU Falcons were able to go undefeated and win the 2013 national championship (undefeated #2 Ohio State lost the B1G championship--ironic right?). MTSU went 10-3. Oregon went 7-6 and fired their coach. I got the job offer and jumped on it. Now we're in year 3. My bud left MTSU after 2 years and has replaced James Franklin at Vandy. I'm still at Oregon. We get to talk about our dynasties and they coincide with one another. That keeps me honest and keeps me from hitting the reset button every 2 seasons (like I used to do).