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Old 12-19-2013, 04:34 AM   #506
Fear Me
Kramer5150's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 25 Impressions (PS4)

Originally Posted by PVarck31
I'm at a point where I don't think I can play the game anymore.

The amount of interceptions is killing the game for me. I'm throwing 5-8 a game. Some of them are my fault, yes. But most are super DB and LB able to close at a massively fast rate on the ball. Its just so frustrating that the game isn't fun anymore. I've tried all different slider adjustments and nothing seems to help. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know.

I appreciate them tightening up the defense, but they went overboard IMO.

The game has so much potential, and most of the other facets of the game play well.

I hope this can be fixed with a patch this year.
I think this post jinxed
I just played against GB...and Flynn had 3 ints while Roethlisberger had

Definitely a sloppy game,but then again it was in the "froooozen tundra of Lambeau field" so I'm not going to go crazy yet or anything as this is the most int's by either me or the cpu.

I was however able to hold on for the 10-7 victory. I am really digging this game,and I hope this was just a fluke game.
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