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Old 12-21-2013, 02:07 PM   #1
metalmilitia623's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Suburb of Buffalo,NY
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Anyone still playing 13?

So I know I am in the minority of people still playing 13 but after trying the demo for 14 I felt that it was one not worth another $60 and two I feel it takes more control away from me than 13 in terms of auto animations. Also I heard that goalies got totally shafted and being I played 800(ish) games in net in 13 before playing one as a skater that didn't sit well with me.

So I am still rocking 13 every now and again and am wondering if any of you guys still play that game. If so shoot me a message and/or join my club (I WOULDNT RYDER) it's public. I don't really play club (anymore) or know if anyone else does but if I got enough people to run a decent sized team we could give it a try. Otherwise I know OTP is still working and you can get at least three on threes if not more depending on the time of day.
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