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Old 01-05-2014, 02:13 PM   #2536
GJD23's Arena
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Re: GJD23 & WTBB's Madden 25 All-Madden Sliders

Originally Posted by kchuskey
I will try these, but with injury @ 45. Also I will drop Hum INT to 10, and CPU INT to 15 or 20 right out of the gate. Other than that, I'll run with them as posted here. As far as Auto subs...

Have you tried this?

Fatigue at 52, and auto subs...

Offense- out/in
QB 1/2
HB 75/79
WR 75/79
FB/TE 70/74
Oline- 65/70

Defense- out/in
DT 70/74
DE 70/74
LB 70/74
CB 70/74
S 75/79

I am on Xbox....
Cool cool. Are those sub settings from Armors thread? I think we've tried them but not in CFM. If you want to try them out that'd be cool. We've tried so many different combinations and still seeing disappearing acts from a few positions lol.

If you're worried about INT's instead of moving the INT sliders you can just move HUM QBA to 5. Don't know why but going from 4 to 5 makes a world of difference. But whatever, these are a base, test as you please

Hopefully WTBB gets online cos he is a guy I know who has them and he's on XBOX too. You could send him a DM on XBOX, his username is in the OP.

Thanks again for the info!
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