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Old 01-06-2014, 10:54 PM   #1
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Join Date: Apr 2013
WWE 2k15: BRING THE HEAT...wrestling game revolution

Instead of trying to make a real competition out of a fake competition. It should try to actually simulate what professional wrestlers are trying to do. Work together to make great matches that entertain the GET HEAT.

PPV - PPV get HEAT by having great matches from feuds that have great HEAT. If it works they get more fans, bigger pops. If its poor...then fewer fans making it harder for future matches, events and performers to get HEAT.

Event - Same as PPV, but with less impact on the overall HEAT gained or loss. In essence a bad event won't make or break you. But a few bad events in a row is like having a bad PPV. House shows...dont count. Events get HEAT by having matches with HEAT. The more matches the more HEAT.

Feuds - Feuds get HEAT by their length having great matches. Feuds lose HEAT if one performer is squashing the other, if someone gets injured, if there are not enough matches and too many promos or interference. The more HEAT by the wrestlers the longer the feuds. Match variety...however, certain matches have greater chance of injury...thus weighing out getting HEAT and killing a feud with injury.

Matches - Matches get HEAT by the level of HEAT by the performers in the match. The Spots (will explain in second), move variety, build-up...promos can help a match, damage done in the match, finishers done, signatures done.

Performers - get HEAT by feuds. lose big time HEAT via injury. Lose HEAT if they are either being squashed too much, if they are in too many squash matches. gain heat by taking and giving damage (this encourages matches to be balanced...not onside competition), comebacks, interfering in matches...key thing is variety of action. You can't ALWAYS do any one thing. But you must also be careful not to go too crazy in matches...will lead to.

Create a Cut scene - As a performer gets HEAT they can have more cutscene options...which is basically incorporating story-line mode into universe.

Create a Spot - HEAT will allow more options for this as well. This would be like a customizable Wrestlemania moment which you can pre-set before the match. Doing one of these can get you big time HEAT...also has the potential for big time injury.

All of these things can have great HEAT in a match...but the event sucked which will limit the overall HEAT that you would have gotten.

Online would be the same...its not about competition...matches would get points for damage, comebacks, finishes etc. As you played you could earn spots. Once you use them...they are gone. Would encourage collaboration. Would be like when you play fought your brother as kids

Last edited by Maverick32093209; 01-06-2014 at 10:56 PM.
Maverick32093209 is offline  
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