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Old 01-08-2014, 12:15 PM   #61
hesko's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Earth
improve servers
no shots at the overly sensitive, but do i need to set up a you tube channel to be heard? lol
these prolly get picked up by an ea dev, and still won't get put to use. all this next gen talk
and we got games with current gen problems...makes you wonder huh? here's some things
i'd like to see in 2k15.

1. minimize game issues
2. take the current gen out of the next gen version
3. give bodies muscle structure (faces look great, bodies look like clay. imo)
4. really dig in to revamping presentation (true broadcast)
5. watch real games, take notes, mo cap/eco mote new moves/animations/physics
6. crowd sounds/ there a way to really bring this game to life excluding graphics?
7. please don't change the controls again.
8. on offense, team mates set screens on the defender, not a random spot on the floor.
is there a way to fix where/how the pick is set?
9. boxing out on rebounds. no super jumps or other crazy rebound shenanigans. just true rebounding.
10. player positioning. individual and team on offense and defense.
11. speed. how to differentiate game speed, player speed, team speed and have it all work together.
12. take some of the air out of the jerseys and shorts. could other clothing also move on the ps4/xbone (with all that extra power) or would it be pushing it?
13. fix how players catch, throw passes, pick up the ball in certain situations. i guess at the basic chest, hand off, bounce, and over head two hand passes then put all the flashy ones on the modifier. it would also be nice to be able to put some "english" on some of those flashy passes within context of course!
different yet realistic lob animations. really mix it up.

i love playing 2k and having those omg moments rather than the wtf ones.
that's all i can think of for now.
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