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Old 01-09-2014, 12:19 PM   #34
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Re: 'Universal Currency' Coming to MLB 14 The Show

Originally Posted by nemesis04
Also, pastapadre is a pot stirrer!
HOW DARE YOU SIR! Leave your agenda out of this! He only writes based on facts and/or real evidence!

...or not...

Originally Posted by pastapadre
Putting such a focus on In-Game Currency by making it a major pre-order incentive suggests it’ll play a bigger role. Besides just that the “Universal” part is deeply troubling.
The first part is a perfect example of terrible logic. The dude must have forgotten the RTTS, DD and Franchise budget DLC that was offered as the "major preorder incentives" from various sites last year. Now, I can't speak for DD as I never even glance at it, but such content never once impacted my game other than seeing the in-game option to purchase (in fact, I gave my codes from Gamestop to a friend).

The second part is just laughable and no better than the fear-based and fact-free conjecture that we see posted by anyone on an internet forum (including this thread). "Universal" is typically used to simply suggest streamlining and cross-mode/function/platform/whatever availability. It doesn't usually equate to something as pervasive and restrictive as VC turned out to be.

None of that is to say it couldn't possibly turn out to be as bad as VC, but, you see, that's the best part about publishing these kind of "what if" are free from any real responsibility for it.

Why bother with pesky things like a developer's track record or tangible info when we can spread doom and gloom! If you end up being right, you say "I told you so." If you're wrong, it's either "I am just looking out for the people!" or "I pushed them to change!"
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