01-09-2014, 01:03 PM
OVR: 38
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 39,438
Re: NBA Live 14 Has Arrived, Post Your Impressions Here
It wouldn't be the first time a game was different between consoles TBH...and I dont remember this much paint abuse during my breif stint with it on Ps4...so maybe so, I dont know...
Its really bugging me though because its holding me back from fully embracing the game...My offense is on point now and I have really gotten accustomed on how to succeed on that side...but defense man, its killing me. That game winner I posted in the video thread went into over time after Dre Jordan and BG went on a paint 10-0 run....(as you can see, I keep playing the Clippers because I am determined to stop them)
double teams, triple teams...if it was a block or strip it was bucket 100% of the time